Habt Ihr auch einen Vogel? Dann hoffe ich, dass er ganz besonders groß ist, denn Ihr lest es ja selbst, mit Euch kann man dann an ganz ungewöhnliche Orte fliegen, hihi. Und ja, da ist doch wirklich etwas dran, oder? So schräge Vögel sind doch mega mit ihren Ideen!
Do you have a bird? Then I hope that it is especially big, because you read it yourself, with you one can fly to very unusual places, hihi. .... and now I guess I first need to explain what the sentiment says and what it means here in Germany! The sentiment reads:"You can fly to very unusual places with people having a big bird". "People having a bird" in German means that you are kind of weird. And yes, there really is something to it, isn't there? Such weird birds are mega with their ideas!
Do you have a bird? Then I hope that it is especially big, because you read it yourself, with you one can fly to very unusual places, hihi. .... and now I guess I first need to explain what the sentiment says and what it means here in Germany! The sentiment reads:"You can fly to very unusual places with people having a big bird". "People having a bird" in German means that you are kind of weird. And yes, there really is something to it, isn't there? Such weird birds are mega with their ideas!
Für den farbenfrohen Hintergrund meiner Karte habe ich Acrylfarbe und meine Gelli Plate benutzt. Nach dem Trocknen habe ich mit einer Stanze das Mauermuster unten links gestanzt. Um alles pasend zueinander zu machen habe ich dem Hintergrund mit einem schwarzen Acrylmarker einen Rand verpasst. Den Hintergrund habe ich auf einer weißen Karte gemattet. Auf die Karte habe ich mit Copics Punkte gemalt. Für den Spruch habe ich ebenfalls ein Stück aus einem mit einer Gelli Plate kreierten Hintergrund genutzt. Darauf habe ich den Text mit Archival gestempelt. Auch hier findet Ihr den schwarzen Rahmen, den ich mit dem Acrylstift gemacht habe. Striche und Punkte habe ich damit auch gemalt und mit einem Sinomarker in weiß. Das Wort "wunderbar" habe ich noch mit einem weißen Polychromos betont.
Den Vogel habe ich mit Ink on 3 gestempelt und mit Copics koloriert. Das ist das erste Mal, dass ich dieses Stempelkissen verwendet habe und es ist super, finde ich. Aber ja, es geht auch ein bisschen schwerer wieder von den Stempeln ab. Auf die Augen des Vogels habe ich noch Glossy Accents aufgetragen.
For the colorful background of my card I used acrylic paint and my Gelli Plate. After drying I punched the wall pattern on the lower left with a die-cut. In order to make everything match to each other I gave the background an edge with a black acrylic marker. I matted the background on a white card. I painted dots to the carad with Copics. For the sentiment I also used a piece from a background created with a Gelli Plate. I stamped the text on it with Archival ink. Also here you can find the black frame I made with the acrylic pen. I also painted strokes and dots with it and with a Sinomarker in white.
I stamped the bird with Ink on 3 and coloured it with Copics. This is the first time I've used this ink pad and it's great, I think. But yes, it's a bit harder to get off the stamps again. I applied Glossy Accents to the bird's eyes to make them shine.

For the colorful background of my card I used acrylic paint and my Gelli Plate. After drying I punched the wall pattern on the lower left with a die-cut. In order to make everything match to each other I gave the background an edge with a black acrylic marker. I matted the background on a white card. I painted dots to the carad with Copics. For the sentiment I also used a piece from a background created with a Gelli Plate. I stamped the text on it with Archival ink. Also here you can find the black frame I made with the acrylic pen. I also painted strokes and dots with it and with a Sinomarker in white.
I stamped the bird with Ink on 3 and coloured it with Copics. This is the first time I've used this ink pad and it's great, I think. But yes, it's a bit harder to get off the stamps again. I applied Glossy Accents to the bird's eyes to make them shine.
Stempel / stamps: Scrapbook Forever Vögel
Stempelkissen / stamp pads: Ink on 3 black out; Archival black soot
Stanzen / dies: Quickutz arrows RS-0345; Sizzix 662227 Mixed Media #4
Copics Y13, Y08, YR04, BG11, BG15, BG09, RV21, RV23, RV25, RV29
Signomarker weiß
Posca black
Glossy Accents
Stanzen / dies: Quickutz arrows RS-0345; Sizzix 662227 Mixed Media #4
Copics Y13, Y08, YR04, BG11, BG15, BG09, RV21, RV23, RV25, RV29
Signomarker weiß
Posca black
Glossy Accents
An den folgenden Challenges möchte ich mit meiner Karte teilnehmen.
I would like to participate into the following challenges with my card.
Sweet Stampers
Challenge #35 - Dies and/or punches
Watercooler Wednesday
Challenge #237 - Anything feminine goes
Challenge #170 - Anything goes optional humor
Challenge #35 - Dies and/or punches
Watercooler Wednesday
Challenge #237 - Anything feminine goes
Challenge #170 - Anything goes optional humor
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So ein tolles und buntes Kärtchen, der Spruch ist der Hammer.
AntwortenLöschenDanke für deine Teilnahme bei den Sweet Stampers.
What a fun card! I love your background, color scheme and silly bird. Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday.
AntwortenLöschenWhat a fun colorful card! Thanks for joining us at Watercooler Wednesday Challenges!
AntwortenLöschenGreat card! I love your colorcombination and the cool bird :)
AntwortenLöschenThanks a lot for joining us at Creatalicious! :)
Fantastic! Fabby looking card with a great design and image. Thanks for joining us over at Creatalicious designs this time. We now have a new fun challenge up for you to join.
AntwortenLöschenLove n hugs
A fabulous card!
AntwortenLöschenThank you soo much for taking part in our "anything goes + optional humour” challenge over at Creatalicious & good luck in the draw.
Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…
(DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)
(DT Crafty Friends)
(DT The Sketchy Challenges)
(DT Simply Create Too)
PS: Sorry for the late comment, life had been very busy these past weeks…