Liebe Anke, ich freue mich sehr, dass Du Dich als neue Followerin meines Blogs registriert hast und möchte Dich hier herzlich willkommen heißen. Ganz lieben Dank auch für Deine tollen Kommentare zu den verschiedenen Beiträgen. Darüber habe ich mich sehr gefreut. Du hast auch noch für ein paar Tage die Möglichkeit, an meinem Blog-Candy mitzumachen. Unter anderem gibt es diese tolle Stanze, die ich für diese Karte benutzt habe zu gewinnen (natürlich als neues Modell, hihi). Zur Verlosung geht es hier: KLICK.
Dear Anke, it is so nice of you that you have registered as a follower for my blog. I would like to warmly welcome you here on the stempelfrida blog. Thank you also for the lovely comments you left for several of my posts. They were so kind and I was really happy to read each of them. You still have the time to participate into my blog candy for a few days. Besides some other things you could for example win this die, which I used for today´s card (a new version of course, hihi). You can find the draw here: CLICK.
Dear Anke, it is so nice of you that you have registered as a follower for my blog. I would like to warmly welcome you here on the stempelfrida blog. Thank you also for the lovely comments you left for several of my posts. They were so kind and I was really happy to read each of them. You still have the time to participate into my blog candy for a few days. Besides some other things you could for example win this die, which I used for today´s card (a new version of course, hihi). You can find the draw here: CLICK.
Den Hintergrund meiner Karte habe ich mit Alkohol Inks auf Yupo Papier gestaltet. Die weißen Blasen sind mit Nuvo Drops gemacht. Den Fisch habe ich mit Memento gestempelt und mit Copics koloriert. Der Fisch und das Stanzteil sind mit Abstandspads auf dem Hintergrund montiert.
I designed the background of my card with alcohol inks on Yupo paper. The white bubbles are made with Nuvo Drops. I stamped the fish with Memento and coloured it with Copics. The fish and the die-cut piece are mounted on the background with spacer pads.

I designed the background of my card with alcohol inks on Yupo paper. The white bubbles are made with Nuvo Drops. I stamped the fish with Memento and coloured it with Copics. The fish and the die-cut piece are mounted on the background with spacer pads.
Stempel / stamps: Scrapbook Forever Fische
Stempelkissen / stamp pads: Memento tuxedo black
Stanzen / dies: Scrapbook Forever Danke
Copics 0, N2, N4, B21, B24, B26, Y08, Y17, YR04, YR07
Alcohol Inks Ranger limeade, aquamarine, mermaid
Nuvo Crystal Drops Gloss simply white
Signo white
Stanzen / dies: Scrapbook Forever Danke
Copics 0, N2, N4, B21, B24, B26, Y08, Y17, YR04, YR07
Alcohol Inks Ranger limeade, aquamarine, mermaid
Nuvo Crystal Drops Gloss simply white
Signo white
An den folgenden Challenges möchte ich mit meiner Karte teilnehmen.
I would like to participate into the following challenges with my card.
Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Simon Says: Animal Antics
Crafty Catz
Challenge #456 - Anything goes with optional twist use your dies
Happy Little Stampers
April Anything goes with dies challenge
Simon Says: Animal Antics
Crafty Catz
Challenge #456 - Anything goes with optional twist use your dies
Happy Little Stampers
April Anything goes with dies challenge
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Na das ist ja eine nette Begrüßung und vielen lieben Dank für den Hinweis mit Deinem Candy, da werde ich doch gleich mal rüberhüpfen.
AntwortenLöschenDeine Karte schaut wunderschön aus, der Hintergrund wirkt gigantisch.
Liebe Grüße
von Anke
Wonderful card Frida! I absolutely love your inky background and the fish is super cute.
AntwortenLöschenThanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
Mandy xx
Wonderful work, Thank you for Joining us at Happy Little stampers and waiting to see next time.
Meena HLS DT
Thanks for sharing your fantastic project with us in the Happy Little Stampers April "Anything Goes With Dies" challenge and we hope to see you again next month!
Leslie, HLS Dies Team
Love To Scrap 2