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Im neuen Release von Scrapbook Forever findet sich auch der Stempel eines gebrochenen Glases. Diesen habe ich für ein Aquarium benutzt. Da konnte der Fisch Reissaus nehmen. Irgendwie kommt mir da gleich die Geschichte von Nemo in den Kopf.
In the new release of Scrapbook Forever you can also find the stamp of a broken glass. I used it for an aquarium. And the fish could take advantage of it. Somehow the story of Nemo comes into my mind.
Mit meiner Karte hatte ich ganz schön zu tun! Also erstes hatte ich mir mal den Hintergrund für das Aquarium vorgenommen. Er ist mit Copics koloriert. Für die gebrochene Scheibe habe ich mir eine feste Folie genommen und darauf das gebrochene Glas mit Versamark gestempelt und in weiß embosst. Bei Folie müsst Ihr mit dem Embossingfön sehr vorsichtig sein, damit sie nicht schmilzt! Den Rahmen meines Aquariums bildet eine Stanze.

Den Rest habe ich selbst dazu gezeichnet.
Man, my card kept me quite busy! First I designed the background for the aquarium. It is coloured with Copics. For the broken glass I took a firm foil and stamped the stamp with Versamark and embossed it in white. With foil you must be very careful with the heat gun, so that it does not melt! The frame of my aquarium is a die.
I also coloured the fish with Copics and fussy cut it. For the water I took an old bag and dyed it with Copics. Then I crumpled it together and now patience came into play. .... I really had trouble to make it stay! Anyway, my super glue failed. To some extent it worked out then with Glossy Accents. On the water I also made a few dots with Glossy Accents and then fixed the fish with spacer pads. The S is a die-cut part, which I coloured with Copics. I drew the rest myself.
Man, my card kept me quite busy! First I designed the background for the aquarium. It is coloured with Copics. For the broken glass I took a firm foil and stamped the stamp with Versamark and embossed it in white. With foil you must be very careful with the heat gun, so that it does not melt! The frame of my aquarium is a die.
I also coloured the fish with Copics and fussy cut it. For the water I took an old bag and dyed it with Copics. Then I crumpled it together and now patience came into play. .... I really had trouble to make it stay! Anyway, my super glue failed. To some extent it worked out then with Glossy Accents. On the water I also made a few dots with Glossy Accents and then fixed the fish with spacer pads. The S is a die-cut part, which I coloured with Copics. I drew the rest myself.
Stempel / stamps: Scrapbook Forever Fische, gebrochene Scheibe
Stempelkissen / stamp pads: Ink on 3; Versamark
Embossingpulver / embossing powder: Stampendous! detail white
Stanzen / dies: Scrapbook Forever Buchstaben; Taylored Expressions Item #TE543 Frame in Frame
Copics R20, R35, R29, R59, B21, B24, B26, B01, B04, B16, B39, YG03, YG17, G29, E81, E55, E44
Signomarker weiß
Glossy Accents
Posca sky blue
Nuvo Jewel Drops sea breeze
Embossingpulver / embossing powder: Stampendous! detail white
Stanzen / dies: Scrapbook Forever Buchstaben; Taylored Expressions Item #TE543 Frame in Frame
Copics R20, R35, R29, R59, B21, B24, B26, B01, B04, B16, B39, YG03, YG17, G29, E81, E55, E44
Signomarker weiß
Glossy Accents
Posca sky blue
Nuvo Jewel Drops sea breeze
An den folgenden Challenges möchte ich mit meiner Karte teilnehmen.
I would like to participate into the following challenges with my card.
Süsse Idee und ganz schön viel Arbeit, das Resultat ist grossartig!
AntwortenLöschenLG Rosi
Thats lovely ,
AntwortenLöschenThank you for joining us at Lemon Shortbread
Love Jan
Funny card, nicely worked out. Thanks for entering it at Crafty Friends. Hugs Ela DT
AntwortenLöschenWhat a wonderfully fun and unique card! I just love everything about it! Cards that can bring on a smile when you look at them is very special! Thanks for joining us at Happy Little Stampers Anything Goes with Dies Challenge this month!